Previously, as a placeholder, I just used a regular std::unordered_map, but now I had come to a point where it just needed to be replaced. I wanted to be able to reload my engine, while keeping the data intact in memory (Handmade Hero style).
Since I had never written one myself, I though this might be a fun exercise/challenge.
Even though the wheel is already invented, doesn't mean you can't have fun building a new one, learn something from it, or even try to improve on it. Right?
One common way to implement a hash table is to use "chaining", which means that you use a table to do the initial lookup, and then use a linked list to resolve hash collisions. Another way is to use "open addressing", where you use a "probing sequence" to find an empty slot, in case of hash collisions.
TL;DR: The code is available on GitHub
An example of the benchmarks found at the GitHub repo |