onsdag 9 oktober 2013

Compacting Virtual Box Drives

Too many times I've forgotten the exact commands on how to compact the virtual drives. Especially for windows, where the tool used, used to have a different name of the argument passed to it. Compacting the drive can save you lots of disc space (last time my drive went from 12GB to 5GB), and for a smaller lap top drive, that makes a big difference.

Windows Guest:
Download SDelete from SysInternals and then run

Linux Guest:
Here, we create a file that fills the entire empty space, and then deleting it:
Finally, you let VirtualBox compact the drive

That's it really! I hope I'll remember it a little better this time.

Further info:
Use “sdelete -z” when Shrinking a Windows Guest’s Virtual Hard Drive
How to Compact a VirtualBox Ubuntu Guest’s VDI file